Baby Kanga Cloth Diapers
Baby Kanga Retail Locations in Victoria
Broody Chick , sold @ Thrifty Foods locations and are a local company! I pretty much want all of their products!
1. Fully compostable diapers- despite wanting to exclusively use cloth, I am sure there will be times when disposables make more sense/are easier!
2. Fully compostable wipes
3. Boody Balm - All natural diaper cream
4. Wonderbalm - Non petroleum jelly
5. Every Body Lotion
6. Every Body Wash
7. Bye Bye BooBoo
8. Sniffs & Snuffles
9. Bath Bar
Organic Wipes (not pictured)
Fisher Price Safari/Jungle Playmat- I saw these at the Walmart in Langford.
Safari/Jungle Crib Set
Rainbow Teething Necklace

Newborn Button Loafers
Green Elephant Loafers
Green Trees Blanky

I love all the items PWC has to offer, especially the onesies. Any of them will do.
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